Hey there! Let me introduce myself and tell you a few things about me. I am the author of this site and all articles that you read here are written by yours truly. There is no need for names, you can simply call me Gentleman Jim – a way too familiar nickname, if you are a fan of boxing. So, now that we got that out of the way, let me tell you how and why I decided to start working on this blog and what purpose it will serve.

First of all, I should tell you that I have always been passionate about 3 things: reading, writing and gambling, all of which have made me sort of an expert in the latter. This is precisely why I decided to start this blog, to share some of my knowledge and experience with my readers. Also, I will tell you about the most prestigious awards in the online gambling industry, with the biggest emphasis on casino operators. Why is this important, you ask? Because these awards are clear proof of the high-quality products that these operators offer to players all around the world.

Ever since I started playing online, I found that the payouts were higher than in land-based casinos and I didn’t even have to get dressed or go anywhere to enjoy some of the best slots, roulette or poker games. So, having said that, I will finish my short introduction with one of my favourite quote of all times by Dale Carnegie: ‘People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards’. You can say the same about online casino operators, because no matter how successful they are and how many players they have, they keep improving their products and adding new, mind-blowing games to live up to our expectations and their desired awards. So, hope to see you soon here, for some interesting articles on casino awards and more.

Gentleman Jim